First find a power spot ley lines where they meet is a called a power spot you'll feel different there go to the center draw a circle In The ground with your finger. Then draw arrows out side the circle pointing towards the center,draw the arrows at north,east,south and west. After that cut your self use your blood to fill the lines you drew. The blood has to connect so the circle make sure basically no gaps of for the lines When finished. Sit back and wait. Oh shit almost forgot it has to be at dusk. When the sun is almost gone . Now when he comes he may come in wolf, coyote. Have a clear mind and only concentrate on what you want. If stay till midnight and see nothing. Go home and go to sleep. If this happens make sure you have his payment. If u don't have his payment you'll have 24 hours from when you summoned him. If this happens get his payment or you'll be the payment. At this point you will have headaches a small bump on your head your dreams will be of him. And only he can remove the bump and the bump cannot be removed by doctors I don't care who u get as a doctor. Because if its removed you will die. No SHIT U WILL DIE. Normally you would have to put the Skinwalkers name in the circle but in your case you don't know any of them, so you won't know which one comes. That will dangerous for you. Good luck